Cerebral palsy represents a group of chronic disorders that affect the nerves responsible for controlling the body’s muscles. This condition will cause problems from the first years of life and will continue limiting life’s experiences for the affected individual as the years pass by. A child suffering from cerebral palsy will not only have trouble walking and maintaining stability, but will face difficult challenges in making friends and learn certain things important in life. Cerebral palsy symptoms are actually delays in normal child development. These include: These symptoms are often noticed by the parents and not a medical professional. The child’s muscles can be too stiff or too floppy to allow him to reach the normal stages of development at the same as other children do. The doctor has to ensure the baby is getting constant levels of oxygen through the umbilical cord. If a part of the baby’s brain doesn’t receive oxygen, the muscles controlled by that part of the brain will not function properly, situation that may lead to birth injuries. Birth injuries caused by human error are rare, but they do exist and parents of the affected children can get help. If your child was the victim of human error that lead to birth injuries, you may be entitled to receive considerable amounts of money as compensation to cover all the damages produced by the negligent side and offer your child the best possible base to start his life. Cerebral palsy can have life-long effects that will require constant medical care and quality medical equipment. Compensation is very important because it will offer the affected family the financial support needed to take care of these aspects. Before taking legal actions against those responsible by filing a birth injury lawsuit, it is highly recommended to consult an experienced lawyer specialized in these types of cases for a free review. A review of your case is very important because it will determine whether or not your child was the victim of human error or not. Cerebral palsy is a very serious condition that will affect the entire life of your child. Only with proper assistance will your child be able to have a life closer to normal.}